If you should be increased for the first time a cat, be aware that cats, like humans, can experience acne problems as well. Feline acne is usually harmless, but there are clearly cases of severe acne in cats that need urgent medical attention.
The various names of the cat ACNE
Acne is also known as feline cat acne and acne on the chin. It is mistakenly referred to as ringworm or dermatophytosis, although it is not.
There are several ways todetermine if your pet has the misfortune to suffer from this particular skin condition. Similar to the human comedones - - If you see small black spots and oily, which is located on the chin of your cat, it is likely to break into feline acne. If these points blacks fire, little by little pustules, which are also known to develop significantly as a "pimple".
There are many causes of feline acne. But as long as care and treatmentimmediately given, there is no need to worry for pet owners on their welfare.
Dirt - Cats usually have difficulty nursing the chin area and therefore tend dirt and oil in this particular area of the face to accumulate. The accumulation of bacteria that cause hair follicle infected, and, finally, the acne breaks out.
Food allergies - Despite what you see in cartoons, the cat is not the same diet, people. So your cat is not human consumption. It 'important toYou give your pet the food he needs really.
Contact allergy - Cats may also experience acne simply because they come into contact with materials and objects that are very sensitive to their skin. Find out what the allergens and keep them away from your pet.
The best way to treat acne kitten is to clean around your pet regularly and thoroughly. Groom your pet as often as possible. It is fed the right food and take it forregular checks. If you notice any bothersome symptoms, consult a veterinarian immediately.